Peach Ice Cream

This recipe is perfect for this time of year–peaches are in season, it’s hot outside, and this recipe is an excellent combination of tangy, sweet fruit and cream.  Very simple.

I also learned recently that the addition of a couple of tablespoons of alcohol helps ice cream avoid getting to hard frozen, which is always an issue with homemade ice creams.  I used vodka, since I plan to make many different recipes and didn’t want one specific flavor, though any alcohol or liqueur that matches with the peach flavor would be fine.  I used 2 T vodka in this recipe, and it worked–the ice cream was easily scoopable.

Peaches and Cream Ice Cream

  • 4 large peaches
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • a few drops lemon juice
  • 2 T vodka
  1. Put the container you’ll use for storing the ice cream in the freezer to chill.
  2. Peel, pit and slice peaches.  Cut into chunks.  Add sugar.
  3. Blend peaches with remaining ingredients, using immersion blender (or regular blender or hand-held beater).  Blend until slightly chunky.
  4. Freeze in ice cream maker according to manufacturer’s directions.  Freeze for several hours or overnight.

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